
Most of us have scary stories about professors that think that they know about what they are talking about when it comes to teaching comp sci subjects. Shit is so backwards in most parts of the world with teachers showing outdated or completely pointless tech.

A friend called me the other day asking for classic ASP help because it was being used in his web class. Another was asking me about flipping c cgi web scripting. Wtf are schools teaching? Having the drive to LEARN actuall useful topics that are relevant on the market is hard enough as it is...shouldn't schools help at least a little bit? I was lucky, we were thaught Java, Python, cpp, js, sql, html5, css3, php, ruby and we had classes for node (for those interested) and asp.net mvc. Those were RELEVANT and good classes and while some outdated tech was good the rest is just bullshit. Specially since most teachers have 0 market value as develpers...but hey!! Wtf do I know! Of course my word is shit against all them doctorate and master degrees.

Gimme a break. School can be great. But a lot of the leadership there is toxic af for our industry. And while I appreciate the effort in me being thaught modern languages (and thaught is a hard word since I already knew how to program way before going to school) i still remember a teacher taking points away from an assignment for not using switch statements in Python...despite my explaining that there was no such thing (you can go around it by using a lil technique using functions, its pretty cool..pero no mames)
Or what about the time I mentioned to a fellow student how he could use markup for having more control with his windows forms while the very same teacher contradicted me saying that shit was not possible. Or the guy at the school in which I work teaching intro to programming using fucking vba...fk man if you are going the BASIC route at least teach them b4j or something fuuuuck.

I had good teachers, but they were always cast asside by dptmnt heads as if they knew better. I just hate pendejo teachers I really do.

Chinguen a su madre, bola de babosos.

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    😂😂😂 te mamaste con el cierre del rant 😂😂😂

    Last line: priceless 😂😂😂
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    @0x412E2047696C loco es que decirles fk u nuuuunca va a tener el mismo poder que un buen "chingas a tu madre" hahahahaha esta mas cabron asi
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    And I agree with you, there are a huge gap between what they teach on school and what is used on the real life...

    I didn't go to uni/college, but I remember that when I was on high school (circa 2002) they still had Turbo Pascal as main language in their study plan, and only a couple of years later, they started to use C++, but it was A TEST to see if it was viable to teach programming with that...

    I guess that it was better late than never...
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    @AleCx04 😂 a huevo! Nada como una buena, sana, desestresante, liberante y regocijante mentada de madre en español...
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    @0x412E2047696C there is even a huge knowledge gap while in school. Shit the first time we saw cpp was in data structures and algorithms. I was good, but most of the class was tripping bad about the language. And I know of some places where they still teach Pascal but in the form of delphi. Which it really isnt that bad at all except for the fact that there are close to 0 jobs available for it. Trippy.
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    @AleCx04 well, where I work that are several applications made with Pascal using Delphi (fucking) 7... I must say that I'm (re) learning on the fly 😐😓

    But you're right, there aren't so many places where Delphi/Pascal programmers are needed.
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    We were asked to write programs in paper first. The teachers used to make sure that it is syntactically correct including fucking semicolons.
    Then we are given the permission to use the lab PC. The compiler+IDE we used in the machines were Turbo C++ .
    It is the case with many Indian universities even now.
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    @0x412E2047696C i just wish pascal and delphi were more widespread. From what little i know about it, it is really flipping good.
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    @BlueSky man that is some hardcore shit right there
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    @AleCx04 I must admit that Pascal is pretty neat... Despite the fact that I didn't used it for, idk, 15 years or so 😂

    If only I could understand how the fuck start a new project 😂 (I'm still getting used to Delphi 7)
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    @0x412E2047696C man if I could ever understand how to add lil shit to one project! I downloaded a trial version of it, and I love how fast the ide is and how minimal the files for each project are. I really dig how they even have mobile targets
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