
Is it just me or is everyone on here basically a web dev?

  • 13
    I'm a mobile dev, and I feel forever alone, found only couple of members that do mobile dev
  • 3
    I’m a windows dev
  • 7
    @gitpush Mobile Dev Bros unite!!!
  • 1
    Not a big deal lol was more so curious, I just feel like I see a lot of rants about html css and Javascript. But I don't think I have ever seen more than three about bitshifting, pointers etc...
  • 5
    Windows dev + geek here πŸ™‹πŸ™‹.
    C#, XAML

    And Computer Science student! πŸ˜ƒ
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    @just-basic-user ✌️
  • 3
    @busuu starting to feel devRant is all about mobile devs that have zero problems to rant about πŸ˜…
  • 4
    Backend Java dev here.
  • 3
    Im everthing
  • 5
    @gitpush i do android dev in my free time
  • 6
    I'm a teacher...so I guess I'm really the unicorn hereπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό
  • 2
    Nope, Java dev for work, all kinds for fun :)
  • 2
    Php & python(3) here, but these days I work exclusively with APIs for internal projects rather than working on "proper" Web Dev stuff - spend all my coding time looking at either my terminal or sublime.

    It is a good thing because I don't have to deal with all the bullshit WordPress/joomla work the rest of the Dev team gets!
  • 2
    Data science
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    DevOps, so mostly scripting and sometimes maintaining legacy Windows forms.
  • 1
  • 1
    no web dev here, I currently lead a team of system and software engineers, we do everything, full stack, from OS (CentOS and Gentoo), system abstraction layers with Puppet, Bash, PHP, business logic in Java up to web frontend (either Vaadin, JSP or PHP, CSS, JS), for appliance products (HW or VM) up to managed cloud platforms. Very interesting stuff is going on here..
  • 2
    Electrical Engineering student working part-time as a mobile and web dev. Bring those void* rants and MOV AX 2017H stuffπŸ˜‚
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    Not me! Although web is one of the most important platformes (if not the most important) for so so many companies, I will never get into it professionally!
  • 2
    Games dev
  • 2
    @gitpush Mobile and Backend Dev here. (Ok, and a little frontend)
  • 1
    Electronics student here.

    Do a little C++ and on my way to Python. Learnt some AVR and (pretty) good at Arduino. Haven't dived deep into embedded yet but soon will. Learning how to handle a Pi.
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    @Devman R or Python?
  • 1
    Animator learning python βœ‹
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    I do mobile
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    SQL, C#, .NET
  • 3
  • 1
    Web devs just like to comment a lot πŸ˜‰
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    @calmyourtities lol this made me laugh
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    @Axis calm your breasts
  • 2
    I was an embedded dev, somedays I wish I stuck to it ..
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    I can being web/desktop/mobile Dev
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    I'm a junior full stack- mobile dev.

    I use node or Python for backend.

    I only know basic html and css and angular for web frontend.
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    I just started working this year, at a small company with big development needs no less. So I've done a bit of everything so far. Mobile, Web, desktop, scripting. I liked Web and scripting the most.
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    @TheCapeGreek what do u mean be scripting? ^^
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    @motschel Server side stuff that usually runs on cron jobs. Mostly in Python.
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    @TheCapeGreek ah python was the first language i teached myself
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    @motschel Not my first language but I'm having quite a lot of fun with it!
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    @TheCapeGreek yes me too lately
  • 0
    @Axis that because bit shifting and pointers are deliberate and repetitive and do the same thing every time unlike html csss and js
  • 0
    @philcr I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say here? As in when you do something in js it doesn't work the same way everytime (sounds awesome) lol but I'm not sure what you have used pointers and bit shifting for but depending on what mem location you are accessing they can have very different effects on an embedded system
  • 0
    What I meant is if I shl or shr the basics are the same. Html or css basics don’t nessecarily do the same every time. Internet explorer, chrome, Firefox etc.
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