
I used to think that nothing could load faster than the "Thing With 'S' Logo" on a 4 gigs machine. But then Nadella's army updated their "Thing With Blue Logo" to the "Thing With Orange Logo". Plus the extra features, integrated source control, extensions and more.

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    Try vim, it'll load faster than "Thing with orange logo" or even the round "green logo thing" that makes up everything
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    @byte I want to try it .. however you know what people say about it .. I feel like it would hinder my productivity for the days I would spend learning it.
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    Since the you're using VSC already try the new keybinding (Vim keybindings) with that
    When you get a hang of it then switch, that way you don't hinder your productivity
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    Oh my, again.
    Be serious, use IntelliJ, or atom at least. Not that toy.
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    @mt3o We are talking about speed and you're suggesting Atom?
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    @Cyanide I am suggesting using a tool not the toy. After all, IDE is a tool, not something you should intellectually masturbate to.
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    In which world is atom better than vscode?
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    @kaguo in matter of IDE wannabes. And in matter of licenses, vs code is not open source. Check here: https://code.visualstudio.com/licen...
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    @mt3o When it comes to licences, you should check this out: https://github.com/Microsoft/...
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    And when it comes to IDE wannabes, vscode is one plugin away for any language you want it to be, of which many are made by Microsoft, so you won't have to worry if the person who made it will actually continue to support it..
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    @kaguo like Microsoft is famous for not dropping support, ever.
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    @kaguo in terms of what you linked to - this doesn't explain why the license you agree is so restrictive. And why you aren't allowed to reverse engineer.
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    @mt3o I don't know that, but that's their licence on everything, don't get me wrong I do not support neither microsoft, nor their policy.. But no one said you should get it from their site, just build it yourself and you have MIT licensed version..
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    @kaguo which IS different from the one you download from the internet. And you aren't even allowed to check the differences. Devil is in the details.
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