
Sometimes you wish life was like computer, so every time some fuck happens you can just fix it or reinstall it

  • 4
    Shit I don't care so much about in person; just let me do this while texting people.

    I'm more concious of what I say when we talk in person. But when I'm texting, my filter is non-existent. Lol
  • 1
    @jhh2450 ye, telegram lets delete messages before reciver sees it. Saved me a LOT
  • 1
    @Ma30h Can't count the number of times I've "put my foot in my mouth" or had to kiss someone's ass to try and fix the friendship.
  • 2
    But sometimes I even forget to ‘ctrl+s’
  • 1
    👯‍♀️👯‍♂️😍 Ctrl + a
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