
Honestly: I love my job. Every day. I get paid to do what I love to do. And when I get home after sometimes 11 hours of work, I turn on my notebook to do exactly what I did at work - just as a relaxation method.

  • 1
    Same here... the problrm with me is that sometimes i gorget to sleep and eat... so... i need to take care of myself now
  • 2
    If you spend 11 hours programming... Dont do only that at work...
    You will be old really soon...

    Instead do a talk, a marital art or just watch TV...
    At least a hour a day before you get into the computer again...

    There's a reason why tecs have the reputation of behing burn out before 40...
  • 2
    How do you get a job like that?
  • 1
    @billgates Being one of the very few devs with a lot of experience in a small town of only 42000 people 😀
  • 1
    I love your job too. Now give it to me!
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