For all the Java jokes I see here and people bashing the language, are there any Java devs here? If you are a Java dev, do you enjoy it?

  • 3
    I work with Java a lot, mostly back end, some client side, but honestly I love the language. people bash it a lot and it's understandable, but they are bashing the client side Java. what do you think @op?
  • 4
    I do a little Java (mainly Neo4j extensions). I don't mind the Java jokes because they are usually pretty funny, but it's slightly ironic because devRant is running on a database written in Java :)
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    @dfox that is awesome, and I agree they are funny. the only time I get annoyed is when a "developer" says how much they hate Java and classify client side and server side Java in the same category
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    I maintain a few web apps at work, and the back-end logic is in Java. Personally it is my favorite programming language. I think it's just a language people love to hate for no good reason.
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    @dfox is that hyperSQL? just curious
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    @sam21s no, we're using Neo4j.
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    When I was in college, they used to teach Java as main language, a professor of mine was a senior C# dev, when I started working with him and my friends, all of my friends hated Java because C# was 'easier' just because of Visual Studio, and sometimes they blamed Java because making something in it was harder or complex than in C#, I didn't bother about who was the best language, I love both and recently a friend of mine asked for my help to teach him Java because he realized that there were better jobs for Java than C#, so I think it just depends of the taste of people, but yeah, most devs hate java just for not a good explained reason
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    I use java but only ever on server side, never on the front end usually use angular. Also developing for Android but I'm starting to get into ionic, hitting two birds with one stone is pretty handy.
  • 3
    I like Java. Infact, it was my most used janguage until I started learning Java 2.0 (also known as C#). Other languages without curley brackets and semi colons seems weird to me 😄
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    I love java, I write for Android most of the time. It really isn't as bad as most people seem to suggest. Great on servers, great on desktops, great on mobile.
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