So yesterday I got paired with this guy in physics class. First thing he does is ranting at my windows, after which he rants at his Mac, and then launches vim and tells me about how he only uses Linux, and how C+ is the only real programming language, and that maybe Python could be accepted as one too. Then he finishes by telling me how web development sucks because it's so high level... Suddenly I lost hope for Sweden...

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    Marry him!
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    C+, was that a typo or did he actually say that?
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    Because of the guy in your class:

    Why do people keep ranting about windows? I myself only use Linux but I don't understand why people keep hating windows and trying to force others to use Linux... How about STFU ? Windows is one of the best OS for "normal" end users, who don't want to bother with commands to install another browser/mail client/library... If somebody uses windows, no one should be saying "oh but you should use linux.. Windows is so bad because bla bla bla" when they're not asked to do so...
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    @simo002m you should have asked if it was C++ or C+=
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    @Jameslikestea Haha, I'll totally do that next lesson ;)
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    @Jop- I did. From 2000-2016.
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    @Jop- Oh, don't get me wrong... I had problems with Windows 😂 A lot of them actually... And these problems also caused me to switch to Linux... But I don't think that windows is that bad for a normal user...
    I remember seeing 3.11 on my grandma's PC, I myself was using XP back then... After that I had Vista (which sucked up ram like there was no tomorrow), windows 7, skipping 8 and going straight to 8.1 and windows 10 shortly after it has been released :) and OMG I was raging against these beautiful automatic updates which you can't stop except for going into the Taskmanager and finding the right process of svchost...this gave me the rest... But then again, I don't think a normal user would be annoyed by that
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