
No sure if this is a repost

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    Sublime's insistance on installing updates that require a new license is the main reason I stopped using it. The freeware nagging annoyed me for something I'd paid for. That said, vs code is super bloated, all I really want is syntax highlighting and a bit of autocomplete.
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    Sublime(especially if you know how to turn off the purchase prompting) is the closest to a modern code editor i can tolerate... i still turn off basically anything starting with "auto"...
    viva la notepad.exe!
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    @jestdotty my top 3... notepad.exe, sublime text 3, notepad++

    I'm a code dinosaur though... i like my code explicit and without too many colours.
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    @jestdotty avoiding an abusive tech company is politics now? lol That mod is a fuck head.
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    @jestdotty i also get kicked from most groups online... pretty amusing stats though.

    Couple years ago i got kicked from this one kik group chat (friend invited me cuz he was bored and knows me well) for literal word usage. A couple people asked, in overly PC ways, about my arm's handicap. I responded with a short, direct, answer, which included "...so my left arm is retarded.". I was told not to say "that word" because it was insensitive and "triggered" others. I explained that I was using the literal term, which was created as medical terminology, for specifically things like growth patterns being "retarded", innately or inherently stunted, slowed, growth rates. Once again i was admonished for using "that word"... incl 2 that self-declared as 'triggered', telling me i was inconsiderate of people with learning disabilities... neither of them had any direct exp with these people. I informed of the movement of mentally retarded ppl inciting "that word" usage, incl t-shirts. I was kicked
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    @jestdotty i got this shirt ~15yrs ago from salvation army (i typically only bought/buy code manuals or things people are too dumb to recognise as real silver or high value antiques). It's a few sizes too big and one of my favourite shirts.

    I've had numerous people walk up to me and start admonishing me for my insensitivity... only to have me point out that I'm actually handicapped (frankly, it's beyond a lvl i like to mention-- people get all emo. it's supreme for making asshats reconsider actions).

    The reactions tend to be quite amusing.

    I have a, required by law, steering wheel knob. I've been pulled over by cops 21x for supposed illegal use of said knob. Over half the time they dont check my ID, just a stuttered apology. Though it's beyond inconvenient, I like to think it makes them slow down when they realise they pulled over a handicapped girl, for being handicapped.

    Knob=illegal in other cases.
    1st car was '95 camaro convertible, several shamed cops in my teens.
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    @jestdotty oh... best defense of a claimed, unseen, 3rd party...

    I was in Las Vegas for a big Magic the Gathering Tournament. I am at least as carefree/unguarded as the image of me here, that you likely think is inaccurate/staged in some way, irl... and unfairly innately skilled at MtG.

    I was playing some side event sealed with essentially random packs... being several years ago, I was more emotion inept. I often had to have a mod to officially shuffle when i needed to mulligan (1-handed shuffles are long/not rule-friendly)... theyd know me well, esp at int events lacking translators... handicapped blonde girl that wins and knows several languages sticks out.

    This dude i was playing was so focused, not appreciating my apparent lack of focus whilst destroying him.

    A young asian woman with a nearly newborn baby walked by. I said "aww asian babies are the cutest". He(whiter than me) got pissed, "almost half my family is asian!". Rage quit, game 1of3, leaving his cards behind.
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    @awesomeest in his defence i did mulligan to 5, and was clearly going to win by turn 6... and he got bumped up to vs me... I was sooo confused. I also assumed i was missing something so quietly asked a few people, while quoting, word for word, what happened... apparently he was just nuts and it wasnt my fault this time.

    I did need to ask a judge/mod wtf i was supposed to do as he left his cards there and walked out of the convention hall. The judgement was "stay here. If he's not back in 10m, you win by forfeit."... was an hr later that he passed to collect his cards.
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    @awesomeest why the fuck would anyone be triggered by saying asian kids are cute?
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    @Demolishun why would you think id know???
    I mean 'maybe' if his stance was anything other than pro-asian... like if he thought black/white/hispanic/mixed/etc babies were being dissed as not the cutest... but nope
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    if it's not OC, it's a repost.
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    @awesomeest somebody had posted this picture of some baby at work. My first reaction was "what an ugly baby". Then I read the words on the picture. It was some sort of genetic condition the baby had. I kinda felt bad for the kid.

    I started paying attention to what I considered to be cute or ugly. I think it comes down to a standard symmetry and structure we are used to seeing. Anything outside certain parameters and we tend to reject as ugly.

    I think my question was somewhat rhetorical. I just don't see what his mindset was at the time. My guess is he was frustrated. Maybe he is like Jake from Adventure Time and loses his shit if he is losing.
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    @jestdotty hmm... pretty sure that was your initial impression of me, around the time you were calling any reply of mine defensive, or something similar.

    Does this mean that youve changed your opinion of me?
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    @jestdotty ok... but how does "asian babies are the cutest" translate into offensive... especially if someone is thinking of themselves as asian, or asian defender?

    Btw, i totally couldve gone more into my baby preferences and that probably would've been offensive... i think?..

    To be clear, my stance on children hasnt changed since i was 8. I have no intention of owning one of my own... especially a baby.
    But... if i could pick, this would be my (transformer-esq) preference: asian baby, @~2yr black toddler, back to asian for first grade, then white (or mildly mixed) from ~16yrs on... boy, girls confuse me waaay too much.
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    @jestdotty i understand your ref to guarded... but i still innately disagree to me being that way. I know what combative speech/arguing/etc is like, and the state of mind/intrigue i end up in... i was on the forensics (public speaking) team in HS and have thrived in debate, and some adjacent fields. My responses were just the same consciousness vomit... id have been much more engaged/enjoying the moment if it was semantic combat.
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    @jestdotty i have a different theory on schizophrenia, though not necessarily exclusive. It's more about the 'hallucinations'.
    Historically, despite starting on different, supposedly completed disconnected, masses of land, there's been a few specific similarities in supernatural definitions. Specifically, how angels, demons and aliens have been described.

    Angels and aliens never had horns... only demons; aliens never had wings; angels always did or had some other clear floating/flying ability. This specificity is beyond the logical rate of coincidence... yet was something that carried through generations of crazy madmen, hysterical women and esoteric prophets on every populated continent.

    Maybe schizophrenics are sane and just see another colour or frequency that the rest of us dont... i mean, we accept that parrots see, unseen to us, colour, it's not much further off.
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