
why are you making things more complicated than they need to be?

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  • 6
    Maybe because the simpler solution is realised only after the complicated solution is in place and by then, trying to replace the complication with the simplification seems like an added complexity.
  • 4
    Because that’s what the customer wanted during their meeting with sales & hr.

    Usually the most complicated is complex UI and flows with stupid business logic.
  • 2
    Sorry! I’ll do better next time
  • 5
    1. it's more fun!

    2. requirements/comms weren't clear enough

    3. for the sake of O in SOLID
  • 1
    Because I was a chimney sweep in my past life and you lit a fire under me and I burnt to death.
  • 1
    maybe it needs to be this complex, and you just lack the information necessary to arrive at this conclusion?
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    To reassure ourselves that we understand the complicated thing. Or at least that we've heard of it.
  • 5
    job security
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