
Asked junior how did they find out the location of the bug, got a copy-paste reply from chatgpt explaining the code.

AI is allowed at work, and idgaf if they use it or not. But the whole situation, including the fact of not just replying “I used it to understand/solve the problem”, makes me wonder if SE as we know will end not because AI will replace us, but because AI will make all the fears people had with stack overflow, come true, but worse.

At least with stack overflow people needed to be able to form the question or to search on the website lol.

  • 3
    I think this will provide evolutionary pressure for management to actually care about who they're hiring and enabling to run the place for once
  • 5
    I voiced my concerns to my boss about AI reading our code. He didn't seem overly concerned. He suggested that this tech is here to stay and might be an okay tool. I agree, but I am cautionary of it being a crutch to not learn how the libraries work. I can also see it being an avenue of code injection by inexperienced programmers. We already have AI convincing people to actually kill themselves. So I could see it suggesting sketchy libraries or code snippets too.
  • 2
    @Demolishun the situation I’m facing is even awkward- assigned a bug to the junior, sent them the instructions how to reproduce, and what were the acceptance criteria to consider it solved.

    But said to them that they had the freedom to propose how to solve it and gave a few tips that would help. First attempt, the changes were in the wrong place. Second attempt, there are things missing.

    I chewed the bug in an attempt to make them understand the task and the product better and looks like they used this to feed the AI, which in turn gave the right answer. But then when I asked the how, seems like since they didn't understand neither, the solution was to send me the AI response.

    If the person had at least reached the point of having enough understanding to get the prompt to work, it would be one thing. But here, I am a little bit astonished with the situation.
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