
Don't try and google for answers during a tech interview with cams on. Just... Don't.

You look stupid thinking we don't understand what you're doing, you immediatelly lose our trust and you're wasting precious interview time we could use to ask you questions you could actually answer to boost your score

just... Don't.

It's stupid, pointless and offensive.

  • 6
    Who needs Google when LLM's exist? And it could be listening to the conversation and providing advice without interaction.
  • 1
    @electrineer Either recruiters will have to step up the game... or shit in pants by thinking: "If it speeds up the interview, then it must be good."
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    @Nanos you could, yes. But when I'm interviewing a person for a seniority higher than mine and the lad can't answer me basic questions about tech that'll be his daily driver, lies to my face, pulls an idiot act to win some time for googling and treating me like an idiot, he's not worth the chance to "use google if I get the job though".

    Can't work with a person you can't trust.
  • 3
    Now I'm gonna Google in all my interviews

    It's a skill like everything else

    Just because I'm senior doesn't mean I remember every little thing, and under anxiety people remember less. What do you think is faster, googling it or writing it out and trying it? Googling it you might even find out some interesting info! Collect more esoteric knowledge!

    These rules don't make any sense šŸ˜
  • 2
    i'm gonna look stupid anyways when I can't remember the syntax for async functions in javascript anyways.
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    @jestdotty do you REALLY have to google basics, like what "const" means in C or node? As a senior?

    Would you like to be lead by an engineer who _has seen others use this language_ rather than has proper knowledge?

    Would you trust him to make estimates for you? Your team's commitments to the client?

    How's he different from Maggie from accounting (I bet she also knows how to use google!)? Perhaps she's also a good fit for a Senior Engineer role?
  • 0

    > o you REALLY have to google basics, like what "const" means in C or node? As a senior?

    If it was a question during an interview for a senior dev position, I don't think I would consider the job honestly. I don't like tech interview to begin with but this kind of question is such a waste of time, I'm not at school anymore and don't have time/patience for this kind of test.
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    @Jabb03 It's not the exact question (I don't want to reveal any details about the interview), but I had to ask a question on this level. I started with medium-level questions, hoping to jump to low-level ones to get dirty technical. Unfortunately, I had to step back to the basics, smth like "what's the "const" modifier mean, what's its purpose and how it differs from others". And a few others on the same level to confirm the knowledge level

    Needless to say, the candidate tried to get a Senior chair w/o having the necessary knowledge/skill in the technology he claims he's mastered.
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    Ok, but then again, the problem isn't "guy is using Google". The problem is "guy doesn't know anything at all".

    Don't act as if 99% of our job didn't consist of finding on Google that one guy who had our same problem 15 years ago, being able to perform the correct search is one of the key difference between a senior and a junior.
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    @IHateForALiving there are two problems:
    - lack of knowledge
    - dishonesty/trust [he claimed he knows the answer.. while googling]

    if I were interested to see a GOOGLING skill in a senior, I wouldn't list k8s, node, linux and other skills in the job ad, now would I?

    And googling can only get you this far in a time-sensitive env.

    And googling yourself is not the way to mentor a group of juniors.

    I understand your point. But there's a time and place where googling is apropriate. And it's neither in a technical interview where we are verifying the skills you HAVE
  • 1
    Senior roles like that from what I understand are as much about cat herding as anything.

    Well managed people get things done.

    Perfect example is most managers dont seem to know there are two basic kinds of people: people who prefer to work next to coworkers but on their own dedicated section, or people who want to work as a unit, together, fully, on a given task. Very important distinction that can decide whether or not two people will even get anything done at all: whose liable, based on preference, to step on whose toes.

    Another is how they treat feedback.
    Some will take commands as suggestions, and then use that to decide what to do next, how much to follow, and if they're on task, based on an internal standard they set. While others are highly external and will take even a mere hint of a suggestion as a command to immediately change course, and just run with it. A. Employee and a manager with different styles will both end up frusterated.

    Not trivial concepts at all.
  • 2
    Your interview questions are stupid if they are pure knowledge based questions instead of applied knowledge based.
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