
Map that shows you how far you can travel within a certain time.

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Project idea

Map that shows you how far you can travel within a certain time.

I once saw a map that showed the City of Tokyo with a line that indicated how far you can travel in one hour from the city center. I found that to be very interesting and the map inspired me for this project. The line was almost a circle, but it had sort of "spikes" where train tracks or major streets left the center because obviously you can travel further within this one hour if you are on a fast train or on a highway. The project would consist of a map where you can give your current location (maybe, if this is going to be a mobile app I could also use GPS), a slider to set the time and maybe a selection to filter the different means of transport. I will probably make use of the traffic information from google maps, that allows for public transport, walking or driving info, maybe even realtime. I haven't looked too deeply into the API however. I don't know any particular uses for such an app, other than that it would be a fun toy. You can see the circle growing along highways, maybe even some smaller independend circles growing around nearby airports or train stations as you increase the travel time. Maybe it might be a fun tool for people who like to go on spontaneous trips. I haven't really started to look into this project, but I probably will. If you would like to work on this, please contact me or write a comment. I would love to see this come to life.
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  • 3
    This would be an amazing idea for people that are visiting a country for a limited amount of time, unfortunately my skills are limited to android development, and even there I've only just started so I may not be much help
  • 2
    I have a bit of work with google maps in android. Can we pm or do i have to put my email here?
  • 1
    @gorsamp that's great. You can contact me at jobylie.devrant@web.de
  • 1
    It would be a great feature for Google maps i will be waiting for the lanch of the app goodluck
  • 1
    @faroyk @alxnns1 thanks!

    Who knows, maybe google will buy it to implement it into google maps? Probably not, but we can always dream.
  • 1
    I seriously think it possible people always assume the worse i tell them candy crash the stupidest game ever but it the most popular u never know good luck @jobylie
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    @masterdoctor if you would like to do so that would be great. Feel free to contact me at the email adress given above.
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    When you do so please publish the code so maybe I can use it in the project I am in. (See collab)
  • 0
    This has been done already
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    @nickhh i know, but not in that form/not that practical.
  • 1
    Amazing idea, but i think i have nothing that could help you. Good luck and I'll be waiting for the release
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    @danny i know, open streetmaps has a plugin for that as well. But I am planing to make it more useul for non-devs who really just want to use it with a clean ui but a lot of information.
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    to make such search you will need a lot of requests to routing. google maps api is very limited. any "free" service will block you after certain time i suggest to start think about own map server based on openstreetmap (needs very good hardware for entire planet database).
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    If this works, the next thing is to make the same with a certain sum if money
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    @lucaIO great idea!
  • 1
    @jobylie Thanks! I'm really sad I can't really help with this project, because it's so cool!
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