
Its fucking impossible to utilize less than 8 hours for a 5-9. I cant work on my side project with this pace

Please help me how to optimize my time so i can both work this 9-5 job and also work on my side project from 5-9

  • 9
    You will figure it out. Work smarter, not harder:
  • 4
    Physics to the rescue! There are always idle periods in the 9-5 job. You could either accelerate close to the speed of light, or get near a black hole. Both would mean to fast-forward the job time while not getting tired.
  • 5
  • 1
    Pick bigger challenges, work more with mind not with keyboard.
  • 4
    You've only been there a couple days or something

    Get used to the job first

    Then you'll get efficient at it and have extra hours you can relax in. Sometimes I'd listen to podcasts or read stuff for my side projects. Personally wouldn't use company hardware for them due to IP reasons (and my issue was my contract said all IP I made while employed by them, regardless of where or on what time, would auto belong to them so I was quite depressed about it)
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