
How did you learn Japanese?

BTW links to resources also appreciated.

  • 5
    I didn't!
  • 1
    Tofugu.com and its subparts
    TextFugu.com (grammar and more general stuff)
    WaniKani.com (kanji & vocab)
    EtoEto.com (their new version of TextFugu basically)
  • 2

    Japanesepod101 on youtube

    PuniPuni on youtube

    Punipuni website

    Watching Japanese shows (not anime because anime exaggerates the language)

    Speaking to Japanese people online

    Watching Japanese youtubers
  • 3
    I know how to say "I feel good" thanks to JAV. 😳
  • 2
    Check out NHK world tv official site
  • 1
    Speaking to people, listening podcasts, searching my dictionary out of curiosity everyday, and when my motivation peaks, Minna No Nihongo
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