
'the epitome of weak-willed and pathetic in the first place."

This bitch (@tosensei and his little friends) have been telling me those awful shit for MONTHS. And then they call me crazy when I dare to answer those disgusting abuse.


  • 3
    well, have you ever for once considered the mere possibility of you simply BEING crazy?
  • -1
    @tosensei does it matter? if anything it makes your abuse even worst. What kind of asshole keeps abusing somebody after clear sign that the abuse are harming its mental health.

    you are the psycho. Witnesses can open your comment history and see how 100% of it comes from a place of spite and feeling of superiority.
  • 2
    @antiabusegang i'm still not the one dishing out death threats, then later deleting the evidence. sorry, but on the psycho-meter, you're orders of magnitude above me.

    by the way, with your cornucopia of accounts, one could add a severe case of dissociative identity disorder to the list ;)
  • 0
    @tosensei you kept whining about the death threat, conveniently erasing the fact that you called me awful things for MONTHS before-ward.

    You're a fucking asshole. Go die.
  • 2
    @antiabusegang i didn't erase anything. don't have to.
  • 0
    @tosensei I didn't mean "erasing" literally, you cunt. Talking to you is like whippings one ass with sand-pepper.
  • 1
    @antiabusegang so why do you keep doing it? do you enjoy it that much?

    also: then maybe try to explain what you meant by "erasing", so together we can find out where your misunderstanding of the word came from?
  • 0
    @tosensei I meant putting aside. Don't fucking play dumb with me.
  • 0
    @tosensei because I like this website outside of you and the other gatekeeping germs. I just want to come here without seeing your hateful bullcrap.
  • 1
    @antiabusegang i'm not "playing dumbfuck". i honestly don't. i seriously just took your sentence at its literal meaning. it's not my fault your grasp of the english language isn't perfect.

    so don't feel insulted by someone else _again_ simply because _you_ made a mistake.
  • 0
    @tosensei "hey your job sucks"

    "ahah peasant webdev"

    "oh you're so dumb man its not against you"

    "quit being butthurt you idiot"

    (add a couple of months of this)

    "wait why are you mad at me? You must be insane"
  • 1
    @antiabusegang and again: your bullcrap is by orders of magnitude closer to "hateful" than mine.

    or are you seriously trying to argue that, under any circumstance, "being impolite to someone" is more hateful than _literal. death. threats?_ multiple ones?

    so shut up and fix your own problems first before demanding "respect".
  • 0
    @tosensei being impolite once, no.

    I would argue that being abusive, repeatedly, in a group, for months is more damaging than death threat, yes.
  • 0
    @tosensei also I apologized to that, even though you kept moving the goalpost to humiliate me publicly. And then when I did, I realize you had zero intention of admitting any wrong.
  • 1
    @antiabusegang i don't care about any group, OR you. i just reply with "that's dumb" when something is dumb in my opinion, or "you're a fucking idiot" when someone is behaving like a fucking idiot. to everyone. it's just a coincidence that you, in my opinion, very often behave like a fucking idiot. i didn't even remember your name - at all - until you began going apeshit.

    and then we simply disagree here. because in my opinion, even a joked death threat is inacceptible.

    and is very likely to be a clear sign that ones mental health could be damaged, and professional help might be indicated.
  • 1
    @antiabusegang " I apologized to that"

    you did at _no_ point apoligize for any of your death threats.

    and after _you_ calling _me_ out, it'd be only fair for me to demand the same.

    i never moved the goalpost. i simple tried to remind you where it -in my view obviously- was from the beginning.
  • 1
    @antibitchturd and you still keep replying by behaving like a literal rabid monkey, and you still keep writing death wishes and -threats. once again, the pot calling the kettle black.
  • 1
    @antibitchturd "yes i did" - what did you do? apologise for the death threats? no, you didn't. you only apologised for "that awful shit you said".

    death threats don't categorise as "awful shit".

    that's like someone holding a loadedgun to your face and later apologising for "being mean".
  • 1
    @antibitchturd "comparing people to animals isnt the right way not to receive abuse back" - well, it's not the right way to stop an actual monkey throwing actual feces.

    but in keeping up the metaphorical behavior you keep dishing out opportunities for other people to call you out on going apeshit. have you considered that? have you considered that you keep proving yourself to _be_ a poop-slinging rabid monkey?

    addendum: you are literally arguing that you're behaving in exactly the way the monkey would in your situation, equating yourself to an animal yourself. go figure.
  • 1
    @tosensei remember that all of the comments here will vanish when he deletes his account again
  • 0
    @Lensflare idc. doesn't change my amusement.
  • 0
    @NOBUICHI84 it's not a manipulative technique. it's just "using rational thought". you know - the opposite of "going apeshit".

    you should try it some time.
  • 2
    @NOBUICHI84 what does it tell about the person that keeps coming back to be "abused" and practically begging for it?
  • 2
    @NOBUICHI84 for each joke that someone makes about js, you create 3 rants and hundreds of comments whining about it.
    In 90% of those comments you show behavior of a maniac and the cognitive capability of a dry piece of wood.
    You actively try to engage into discussions about that topic and at the same time repeat that you want to be left alone. It looks like begging to me.
  • 1
    @NOBUICHI84 and please, explain to me: what is "calling somebody crazy who actually and literally _is_ crazy"?

    even if repeated, it's just a statement of fact.

    and can you factually prove that this is not simply the case?

    after all, what logical conclusion could your "behaving like a crazy person" (for whatever reasons) have other than "you ARE a crazy person"?
  • 1
    @Lensflare oy. don't insult dry wood.
  • 0
    @NOBUICHI84 I try really hard but you always come back and beg for it.
  • 0
    @tosensei look at this tactical delete. Still thinking it’s not a troll?
  • 0
    @Lensflare a troll would keep record of their achievements, i think...
  • 0
    @tosensei why? A troll tries to mislead and conceal his real intents. It fits.
  • 2
    I'm gonna take the freedom and cite Vaas from Far Cry 3 here:
    "Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?
    Insanity is doing the exact ... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change. That is crazy."
  • 2
    @thebiochemic I tried to play this game again a few weeks ago. Turns out ubisoft has fucked it up beyond repair. After I managed to finally get it running on Windows 11, it still kept crashing randomly every couple of minutes. I’m really disappointed because I have fond memories of it which I wanted to relive.
  • 1
    @Lensflare yeah i need to get into it again tbh. I have a version of it somewhere, that i can just get going via Proton.

    I think my favourite mission was the "crop" mission.
  • 0
    @thebiochemic yeah like how they kept saying worst and worst shit and are suprised im getting more and more mad.
  • 0
    @tosensei > oy. don't insult dry wood.

    It's shit like this that proves how much of a shitty person you are bitch. You keep telling awful shit and then you whine. Fuck you. You are an awful person
  • 0
    @Lensflare focus on step one and it'll go smoothly. Quit making the same mean joke over and over and it'll be fine.
  • 1
    @hurtful-bitch I like the stupid jokes. And everything is fine already. Except of your psyche.
    Calm your tits and it’ll be fine.
  • 2
    @thebiochemic hehe, yeah. Great mission :) They repeated the same joke in FC4 and FC5 but with different types of "crops".
  • 0
    @tosensei "and please, explain to me: what is "calling somebody crazy who actually and literally _is_ crazy""

    That is still abuse. Actually I'd argue that it's worst. Imagine insulting a depressive person and then she kills herself.
  • 1
    @Lensflare "take the insults and you'll be fine" said every bully ever.
  • 0
    @jojojojo no

    Edit: no to both comments above. It’s hard to keep up with your pace of spamming
  • 0
    @Lensflare "no" as in "no no noooooo I didn't do anything wrong".

    It's your defense mechanism bro I know it's hard to admit you acted like assholes.
  • 0
    @jojojojo "Actually I'd argue that it's worst." - sooo.... telling the truth, talking facts, and honestly(!) suggesting that someone ought to _seek professional help_ is, in your world, "abuse"?
  • 0
    @tosensei bitch quit playing game. You didnt say "Im genuinely worried about you man", you called me crazy in a derogatory, dismissive manner, and multiple times. Which, again, is fucked up double bind technique which forces the receiving ends into either submission or (if he returns the favor) receiving more abuse for being called hysterical
  • 0
    @tosensei you can either present yourself as nice, OR insult me. Doing both (as in your "I'd still save you in the river" bit) is psychopathic. Honestly, Id rather have the first, but fucking pick one.
  • 0
    @jojojojo i numerously did do both.

    and i seriously, honestly believe that you should seek professional psychiatric help, and sooner rather than later.

    what else can i do except "say it"?

    and, to come back to the metaphor of monkey going apeshit: what else should one do except fend off attacks and shooing it towards the exit, where it could just get lost and be done with it?

    also: it wasn't a "bit". it was a clear and honest attempt to communicate that i do not harbor ill will against you.

    and again - what else can i do except "say it"?

    but if you keep believing that the world is out to harm you, and it's all someone elses fault, and there can't possible be anything wrong with you that needs professional help - well, that's your choice, not mine.
  • 0
    @jojojojo no, "no" as in "that’s plain wrong"
  • 0
    @tosensei say what? I am not going to apologize to somebody that compare me to an animal. You quit talking shit and say mean things and you expect me to remain calm and civil. Well that's not how it works.
  • 1
    @whattheshit you quit acting like a rabid animal, and people gonna quit treating you like a rabid animal.

    also: get your sentences straight, you're mixing up the basic logic of what you're trying to say.
  • 0
    @tosensei no. You stop calling me an animal or anything bad names and I wont be triggered next time you made a stupid joke.
  • 0
    @tosensei otherwise i can go back to rabid dog. you dont want that, and I dont want that.
  • 0
    @whattheshit lol, I don’t believe it but can you promise me the same thing?
  • 0
    @whattheshit also, do you realize that calling someone an animal and saying that someone is behaving like the said animal are two completely different things?
  • 1
    @whattheshit "and I wont be triggered next time you made a stupid joke" - i can guarantee that you _will_
  • 0
    @Lensflare of course.

    @tosensei i dont want to put a message on the board because frankly, I do not want to spam more. But I am sorry. I know deaththreats were over the line. I am just asking you, once and for all, to stop those insults.
  • 0
    @tosensei not really. I dont really give a shit about the content of the joke. It's personal.
  • 1
    This is entertaining
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