
At what point did IT stop focusing on outcomes and start putting all energy into rhetoric? I feel like every IT department is “all show” and “no go” these days. If after 5 years your idea keeps blowing everything up in production, it wasn’t a good idea, regardless of how many buzz words you’ve implemented.

  • 4
    dude, it's a business.

    it's not about producing good results.

    it's about selling a product now, and selling support 5 years from now.
  • 1
    @tosensei that’s a good point, never thought of it like that.
  • 2
    a business without competition*
  • 1
    Corporate culture. I don't think this is true of all big companies, but I think the likelihood increases as size goes up.
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    make something just broken enough that's it's good enough to sell. then keep supporting it for the next 5-10 years.
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    around the time "fake it till you make it" was accepted as "enough" to rake millions in VC money?
  • 2
    But the product was made using Agile and edge computing, API's, ready for Internet of Things.

    It has blockchain for tracking and we also build a tool for predictive analytics (sold separately)

    For help, you can use our own custom chatbots and virtual assistants build specific for this product.
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    @Grumm hahaha, love the buzz word blizzard!
  • 1
    @TheEnd I forgot to mention that it is a live service. No bugs, only improvements.
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