I'm upset. I got banned by StackOverflow because of the questions I've asked recently.

I've worked very hard on my account, getting myself up to 293 points over quite a few months.

And then they just toss me overboard because of the reception of a few questions that I've asked recently.

I deleted the question, re-edited it, and tried so hard to get myself out of the ban. And then I come back and here I am, completely banned. It's so fucking shitty.

What's even the point? I feel that most of the time the community spends more time downvoting instead of upvoting?

How can I even compete? I'm trying to get help, not feel invalidated and smashed by a stupid point system.

I'm just going to go sit in a corner and cry now because clearly, my questions are worth more than the points I've garnered.

  • 20
    Be strong, pal. SO world is a tough place and one should never go there alone
  • 20
    You're better off without SO. You can't really fix stupid.
  • 14
    I heard about hashnode, why dont guys try it out, is SO even worth deal the fucking weapons-grade autism going there?
  • 8
    Stackoverflow has gotten really toxic over the years. Your best bet is to do a google search and if its on their fine, otherwise look somewhere else
  • 12
    I don't get it. I've asked questions, and never got any negative remarks on them. The community is largely fine.

    Of course you need to read the rules. You are the one who needs help, so pass over the rules, the format of the question, so that you don't ask something vague that will only waste everyone's time telling you and asking you exactly what's in that small rule book. If you don't follow them - people are going to ask you questions that are in that rule book.

    Banning accounts though seems out of the ordinary. AFAIK it's only on repeat offenses, on being disrespectful, on spamming and such. I've never seen anybody get banned over a reasonable question.
    And I've been on SO since almost its beginning.

    Hashnode? Sure, why not? If you can get what you need there - ask it there. But so far it has been hard finding answers to hard questions, and right now StackOverflow has the best answers by far compared to any other resource.
  • 6
    Pretty sure you did something very wrong multiple times
    You say 'deleted', edited and posted, you shouldn't do that
    Still hard to believe you got banned from nowhere..
    Mind sharing your username? Maybe I can help find the reason
  • 3
    I completely understand this feeling. I really dislike that community and feel that it really is a toxic place.

    My issue with them comes from the unecessary rudeness that comes about anything that is not exceptional.
  • 5
    I would like to know the question
  • 3
    Had to be a really gross bug/question, literally forcing them to ban you off the site entirely. 😶
  • 1
    You have to be really careful on how to ask your questions. You should at least skim over the rules. It's for example important to explain the context of a question and include code snippets.
    Also never delete a question! Edit it to be better.

    If a question is not answered never do a repost. Try understand why nobody answered and do some more research maybe post on another platform.

    I think SO is very strict but if you ask questions according the rules they're seldom toxic.
  • 0
    What was the question?
  • 0
    Yea hashnode is awesome ! And very active too @legionfrontier
  • 2
    One does not simply ask questions on so!
  • 3
    Just create multiple accounts. Case finished.
  • 0
    What did you ask? Seriously.
  • 1
  • 0
    I'm very curious about the question now
  • 0
    StOve is awful. its not all bad that you're banned
  • 1
    @AleCx04 have you seen microsoft/zbox support community comments

    you cant trust anyone
  • 0
    @ParkCity exactly
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