Outlook is quite bad. There's no way to enable week numbers in the week view. And once you accidentally decline an occurrence of an recurrent event, there's no way to get it back, without having to trouble the meeting organizer to resend the request, or create the event manually yourself. In addition, Outlook is ugly and I strongly dislike how the calendar and inbox are combined in the same application. To me, e-mail and calendar are two completely different things, and there should be a way to open the calendar separately, without the distraction of any incoming e-mail.

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    If configured correctly, you will see the week numbers in the month overview on the left when you look at the week view.

    The rest is crap and Outlook is crap too. Is there any alternative out there that can replace this ?
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    Microsoft has a good reputation for having been among the first to offer some assistive technology in their products, and the flaws of Outlook and Teams seem to be less obvious on Windows than on Mac, Linux, or Android.

    So there will always be one friend or coworker ready to defend Microsoft and try to gaslight you for just being to dumb to use Outlook in the right way. Same toxic mindset like some senior Linux and StackOverflow devs by the way, but that still doesn't make it right.

    I still believe that some frustrated employees try to push bad UIs and edge case errors into production as their only way of revenge against their employers. Don't blame on stupidity when evil is a better explanation!
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    @Grumm Yeah, I know that, but I want the week number on the week itself so I can immediately see what week I'm on, not having to shift my eyes between the week and the month, and map the dates of the week to the corresponding dates in the month calendar.
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    @usr--2ndry I totally agree. And yes, the atmosphere on most Linux user forums I've seen, is indeed not the most welcoming. It's like "I use this geeky, exclusive OS called Linux. Any other OS is mainstream and therefore trash, and their users are lamers. Don't you dare come here messing up our fine community with your noob questions." That sort of "friendly" attitude is what has kept me away from Linux. That, plus whatever you want to do on Linux, you need to first compile or even code a bunch of drivers. I don't want to work in my sparetime.
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    @TerriToniAX Hmm on the outlook client in Windows when changing the week, it marks the week in light blue on the mini-month overview. But I agree that it is bad design.
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