
What would you do when you realize after serving in the army:

Your country isn't saving people or fighting against "terrorists" but you're the actual oppressor and THE terrorist?

  • 4
    well, if you're smart, you realise that this is exactly what an army _is_ and is supposed to be.

    but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't have joined the army in the first place.
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    @jestdotty maybe that's cause none of your expectations seem to be based in reality
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    You do what you accuse others of doing a lot yourself.
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    American! Oh, boy, here's a break: No hegemonic power EVER abstained from oppressing. Aside from China that is (until today)
  • 4
    My friend was in mil. They would get ready for a mission, be all decked out, staged on a plane to go. CNN USA would do a story with everyone in the background. Then CNN India would come in and do a completely different story. Then the mission was canceled. All the reporting still went out. He got tired of the propaganda lies and retired.

    He also had friends who were stationed in Afghanistan. What were they defending? Poppy fields. It only gets worse from there. They murdered a soldier that came back and tried to tell the public about a lot of this bullshit.

    A lot of the people I know that were mil now I have terrible physical ailments from exposure to shit on duty. They are not taking care of these people either.
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