
Google is known for frequently removing features from its products and services. So much that they have been given the nickname "Gookill".

If only they removed the one feature that deserves to be removed.


  • 2
    So my Messages app on Android fucks up once in a while showing everything in the wrong order. Scrolling around it changes weirdly in this state. I have to kill it and restart. This seems like it started doing this recently. How do you mess up an app that has been around for YEARS? Just leave working shit alone please!
  • 3
    I think we all have already established your problem with pull-to-refresh is a skill issue. Also, you are doing some ad nauseam by now.
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 That's my point. If it takes skill to avoid the entire screen as a refresh button, it is an admission that pull-to-refresh is undesirable.

    Just over 2000 other people think so too:

  • 0
    @c3r38r170 Another thing:

    If I am at the top, pull-to-refresh even prevents me from scrolling down if I swiped up ever so slightly before swiping down.

    Avoiding pull-to-refresh is a dizzying walk on eggshells. It prevents enjoying web browsing relaxed.

    A screen-sized refresh button is an anti-feature which needs to be eliminated everywhere.
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