Could this cure TeachMeCode’s constant hunger?? I don’t get why anyone can fast, I would look like the crypt keeper if I fast for half the length they suggest. Spring is the worst for me bc my fitness skyrockets and my cannibalistic metabolism goes with it. Fuck I feel like can devour an entire cow at this point


  • 0
    Can’t sleep!! Still hungry…dammit
  • 1
    that looks gross to me

    you can fast and the beginning is worse than the fasting. your body quickly adjusts to no food you just ignore the hunger signals until they go away, which would be a few hours maybe a day I guess if you've never done it before. somehow in my head I can just think to myself "oh I'm too lazy to eat" and suddenly my metabolism doesn't expect food, but that might be because of training and some level of conscious control due to my experiences of fasting in the past (not all of which were voluntary... lol)

    exercise makes everyone really hungry though. and cold can as well
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