
tfw you're so tired of being sick and your body betraying you you start eyeing fucking 400$ emf protection pendants

fuck I hate my life

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    If you understand emf you will realize that shit is bogus as hell.
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    If it altered the emf then the radio devices you use would cease to function. The only away to avoid potential harmful effects of emf devices is through the methods of: time, distance and shielding. You reduce the time spent around emf producing devices. You increase your distance from emf producing devices. You shield yourself from emf producing devices (aka Faraday cage). Nothing else will protect you from emf. BTW those same methods work with ionizing radiation as well. Except shielding is high density things like lead and concrete walls.

    Anything that claims to make emf healthy is a scam. If you want proof then tell them to send you an oscilloscope trace of what happens to the emf wave.

    I don't put my phone next to my bed at night. I take my phone out of my pocket when I get to my destination. The energy transfer of a radiation source is the inverse square of the distance. 2 feet away dramatically reduces the power levels vs skin contact.
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    @Demolishun ah, so you're on camp emf bad but not on emf can be avoided
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    EMF can’t be avoided. You live in a house/apartment surrounded by wires. You work on computers and likely use wifi. You have a phone. You probably use a microwave (though these are usually shielded pretty well)

    It’s everywhere.
    Whether or not it’s bad, who knows? Probably isn’t great for you, though.

    @demolishun is correct.
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    Oh, relating to the rant: I still have long covid, and have trouble just doing day-to-day things like cooking and cleaning, going to the store, etc. I get exhausted after minimal physical activity (like doing the dishes), and it can take several hours to recover.

    It’s a little better now than a year ago, but ugh. Slow progress is slow. At this rate I might (mostly) recover in a few decades.

    I’d be tempted to buy some voodoo pendant, too, if I thought it had even a tiny chance of helping.
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    @jestdotty Having a good day is often an indication of following bad days for me. On good, high-energy days I tend to do more and overexert myself (often unnoticeably due to the excess energy), and seriously pay for it both later that day and over the next 1-3 days (PEM / post-exertional malaise).

    Niacin (specifically nicotinic acid) helps reduce the PEM and speed recovery, but nothing I’ve found helps prevent it from happening in the first place. I guess it can stave it off sometimes.

    No idea what you’re going through, but it sounds miserable (and relatable). Hope your health improves. :(
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    I’m just much more on the cbd oil, multivitamin, and a 2 day fast side of wellness.
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    just cover yourself with space blanket and you got 1$ emf protection, you can even make clothes from it

    don’t forget your tinfoil hat
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    Chronic illness fkn sucks.
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    Emf amplifies vaccine effects, so if you’re not vaccinated, you should be fine
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    @jestdotty the only way to avoid is live in the middle of nowhere without electricity and electronics. Just not practical. I think the health effects depends upon the energy density of the emf. There are military studies showing microwave used for communication at higher frequencies can have a lot more health effects. This is due to energy density. Another problem is the studies for and against health effects is a lot of the time based on who paid for the study. Although I did read that there was a school by high voltage lines in CA and teachers working there had a higher rate of cancer. That is 60Hz. But that is also a massive amount of power going through too. Radio is generally much lower power.

    The practical thing is to understand that distance from the source is your biggest protection. Don't sit next to a source, don't put your laptop on lap, don't put your phone to your head (use bluetooth as it is much less power than phone).
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    @jestdotty I am sorry that the healthcare system wronged you. In my book, forceful vaccination is only okay in situations like the smallpox outbreak of 1972 when there's martial law because it's fucking smallpox (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...)

    It's not okay during peace times in a first-world country. I'm a pro-vaxxer, but that's still not okay.
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