
Kiki day:
- wake up
- pills
- run 2.5k
- join my wife at the local sports ground
- booty exercise
- pick trash off the ground while she finishes her workout
- shower
- refactoring
- work
- working on my own projects. If I'm not in the mood for that, then here's the schedule:
- - Monday: iron clothes
- - Tuesday: eliminate infoclutter
- - Wednesday: tidying up online presence
- - Thursday: writing
- - Friday: cooking
- - Saturday: cleaning, changing bedsheets
- - Sunday: rest
- pills
- sleep

  • 1
    So you change bedsheets every week ?
  • 2
    @Grumm yes, but I used to hardly change them at all until they turned yellow. Depression do be like this
  • 0
    Weird, I don't see 'have sex with wife' in that schedule.
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