
Does vim have a tree view and multiple tabs? Maybe some sort of plugin? How bout Neovim? If there is anyway to get that on vim I am sold, but until then I’m sticking with my text editor.

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    You can achieve that with a couple of plugins.

    For a file tree view there's nerdtree, CtrlP offers fuzzy search for files, and the airline plugin not only makes Vim look awesome but can also show a tab bar.

    Requires a bit of .vimrc magic but it's definitely worth it imho.
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    Don't miss on vim-better-default plugin 😉
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    Tabs are supported out of the box. Nerdtree adds directly tree structure like an ide.
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    Yeah, nerdtree does the trick ask @ryanmhoffman pointed out. With tabs, you cant try default tabs and buffers and see which one you prefer, i use buffers..
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    @tecivan @deadlyRants Yep, I’ve got nerd tree working well enough IMO
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    As said, netdtree is nice as a file tree. For tabs, well, the concept and usage are different from sublime; you might be more interested on learning more about buffers and windows. With a better grip of those, you can get more from vim tabs.
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    I just use the built-in netrw file explorer, make it appear only on the left hand side of the screen with about 20% width, and hook it up to one of my function keys to toggle it. As for tabs, Vim has tabs built-in too. Just do :tabnew <file> and use gt and gT to go through the tabs in normal mode.
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