Can we patent an Idea? I have my product A ready for launch. Company B claims that we have patent for that idea. We both trying to solve exact same problem using exact same methodology. How should I proceed? Any legal advisors here?

  • 2
    get a lawyer. if you don't want to spend the money on a lawyer, you're screwed anyway.

    best of luck to you!!
  • 2
    I am not a lawyer so please check this with one - but I do not think ideas can be patented. Otherwise, Elon Musk is infringing on my idea to colonize Mars. But check with a lawyer. Please let us know what you learn. Thanks.
  • 3
    an idea and methodology are two different things. an idea is I'd like to go to Mars. a methodology would be I'm going to build a rocket using xyz specifications to get there. if you are both using xzy then yes, you can patent a method of solving a problem or invention.
  • 1
    I see! That's helpful. 👍🏼
  • 2
    what may be patented though is a 'process'... not sure how that is legally defined though
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