
Fuck you CNET!

Their app auto plays video ads WITH VOLUME even when THE PHONE IS FUCKING MUTED!!!!!!!

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    Bullshit. The website has no control over the phone, it can't unmute it. You probably have a separate media volume control that is not automatically muted when you mute the phone
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    Ring volume != Media volume

    BTW, Bloomberg have video with autoplay too.
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    @hypervtechnics still - I'm pretty sure they do not change the volume. Android would fade in the slider bar if so. As @SystemZ said, ring and media volume are two different things
    See sc below, ring is muted, media volume is not
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    This is an Apple app.

    So @kimmax, no, it’s not the website. I didn’t say website anywhere in my rant. I said “App”. Maybe read things properly next time.

    Someone else mentioned permissions, no, that doesn’t happen in IOS.

    It’s just a bad app. I’ve come across this on one other occasion. On the national lottery you hear a congratulatory tone when you win something, even if the phone is on mute.

    I don’t code iOS but my friend is a senior iOS developer and he says the functionality exists to bypass “mute” and it is supposed to be used for things that you want to have audio even when the phone is muted, such as “make my phone ring when it’s lost” etc.
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    Do you really expect better from cnet?
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    @agaskins well... fair point lol
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