
A friend asks me for help with one of her subjects in college (She is taking a degree on Communication sciences):
Her: "Hey! Can you help me with Java next semester? I am going to have a subject about that..."
Me: "Java in your degree? Strange... You sure it's Java?"
Her: "Yes, I'm sure! I've talked to some people of my degree and they said it is Java. Can you help me?"
Me: "Okay! Do you have any documentation so that I can check what you are going to learn about Java?"
*She sends a PDF*
I open the PDF and the first page says: "Introduction to JavaScript".

  • 26
    For non-programmers that's an incredibly easy mistake to make. It seems deeply weird and confusing. And it is. Sun/Oracle and Mozilla should publish a joint apology for putting us in the situation where we even need to explain this shit.
  • 3
    Got to be the biggest joint ever made then
  • 3
  • 1
    @BoomeH it's an Achilles heel at this point.
  • 2
    A few years ago, I also thought that Java and Javascript is the same.
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