If you are a System admin and blocking Spotify for the devs know that you're a fucking asshole and karma is coming for you!

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    Our sysadmins do that so I am forced to use other streaming services like soundcloud or mixcloud or just watch music videos on youtube.. they think they are helping.
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    I think every office has proxy server ,where u can browse open internet!

    BTW I thought Network Team does that!
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    @spacem our stupid admin has disabled every single service i use, including Github and YT. I can't concentrate without earphones because the office is always noisy!
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    @bdhobare How are you supposed to pull sources and packages if they block github?
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    @bdhobare Tell your admin that I personally condone burning him at the stake for locking shit down like a fucking high school - I use my data most of the time. I don't trust employers with most shit anyway.

    Oh, and I'll never fucking take a job in an open plan office. I'd rather tie one of those choker collars they use on dogs around my neck, attach a leash, go on a bridge, tie the leash to one of the supports, and fucking jump than work in an open plan office.
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    @raldo94 Well, sad day for any productivity that company was hoping it'd have...
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    I have trouble calling the people who block websites for office desktops, "system admins."
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    @raldo94 They only use bitbucket and a few other services and that's what is allowed. Can't even ssh to my personal servers
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    @sslPoodle They are just fucking losers who think modern stuff like Spotify is a distraction
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    @mgagemorgan Well I have no option. most offices in this country are open office
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    Whereas over in my office, the majority of people are watching Netflix or Twitch while working. I'm not the best at splitting attention between videos and work stuffs myself, but people seem to like it for the background noise. We had an Xbox set up in our old office and we'd have movies playing all day as background noise and take little breaks to play GTA. You'd think that our manager would be against this, but occasionally he'd come in and watch with us
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    There is an overall effort by companies today to give employees things they want in the office, like games, movies, beer, etc. It's not because they're trying to compete for employees, though that's certainly a component.

    They do it in the hopes of the employees spending more time in the office. Having less reason to go home.
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