Just a quick thought...

If you are storing files in your Windows computer, you are giving data to them for free.

Who knows? Whether they have "root:" access to computers all around the world. Same with macOS.

  • 2
    Its not like they transfer and read all your files.
  • 2
    @Jifuna Who knows? It is a closed source
  • 3
    @CozyPlanes yes but Its not that hard to see what windows is sending to it servers. Maybe its encrypted but it would be a bit notable to see windows sending so much data to its servers. Don't get me wrong the only thing I wanna say is: yes windows spies on you but its not that bad.
  • 3
    Doesnt matter,if You are running a SystemD-loaded OS and even if you are not, you are running botnet hardware wise, lets stop fucking kidding ourselves by now, we have lost this a long fucking time ago kid
  • 4
    they can have fun uploading my 1TB hdd at 0.5Mbps for next decade if they so please.

    By the time they get anything actually important it’s useless to them.
  • 3
    @C0D4 Yes, this. Crappy connection unite!
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