
why is it so hard to convince people to start using slack chat and giving up sending internal emails?

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    Change is hard. People will go to great lengths to keep things the same. Running into this with our ops team now.
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    Two different tools. Can be used independently or together.
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    @cesc1989 besides external emails pretty much anything can be done exclusively through slack. Not just for the sake of doing but because it's more efficient
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    Slack costs money if you really want to do something serious. Email - doesn't.
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    @shasha not disagreeing, but like what?

    And email isn't free either, the only difference being that you probably need to be paying for email anyway.
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    @shasha and it's not like you can do all the fancy stuff in email anyway
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    @heyheni because some people are programmed to resist change
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    I was just comparing. I use slack at work but a free version. I dislike that but for now it won't change. So if you have more than 10 000 messages then no search for you. Mail is cheaper anyway. Do I like slack? Yes, of course. Is it practical? Yes, if your company decides to pay for it.
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    the only thing I don't like about slack is it makes me feel I can not switch organizations easily
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