When your boss isn't a developer (knows how to use Microsoft Office and browse on the line, and thats about the extent of knowledge)and you get that 'lost in another universe' stare when you try to explain something clever you just coded. *Face Palm*

  • 3
    I have experienced it adds value when your boss has a technical background.
  • 6
    P.S in case anyone comments on 'On The Line' it's a comedic reference to Vince Vaughn in The Internship
  • 2
    Every time he repeated 'On The Line' in the movie it got funnier and funnier'. I laugh just thinking about it๐Ÿ˜€
  • 1
    Hell it was a very funny movie!
  • 2
    I use "On The Line" some times. Although the others know the movie mostly it's only me who think that this is damn funny. Glad to learn I'm not the only one who loves it!
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