Found this at my local store's signage..

  • 9
    XAMPP on windows for production! So professional :-D
  • 0
    Diz iz l337! Going production wiht xamp
  • 1
    I saw some garbage on an atm machine once. Couldn't find a restart button anywhere.
  • 1
    I think this makes stores dev friendly.

    I would prefer to buy in stores with code showing... 😀
  • 1
    @code-god Whats wrong with Windows or XAMPP? Most production systems out there run Windows, but then its usually IIS.

    However, it looks like all that PHP thing does is to proxy a request to a site, then they could program that display's webbrowser to directly access the site in question, instead of going to a local PHP script that fetches the site with a socket.
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