
Does anyone else think that phone manufacturers are scamming us with higher specs like 6Gigs of RAM and 16 MP Camera..? Most of us dont even use those 3 GB .. let alone 6..

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    I think it is fine, because you are actually getting, what you are paying for. And you can actually use more than 3GB on a phone, but what annoys me, is that they have to use ddr4 which just makes DIMM Ram so much more expensive -_-
    And nowdays the only real difference between phones (excluding the iphone) are cameras and software as well as looks. Otherwise not really differentiable. That's why they focus so much on them.
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    I don't really see how that's a rip off. First, if you don't need that much, you don't have to buy that much, but others do and wouldn't that suck that no product exist to tailor their usage because it's not the main tend ?

    And if you look at the average Joe, you'll find out two things about his smartphone usage :
    - The smartphone camera has become one of the main means of capturing moments of life, and of communication. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that to most user, the smartphone's most differentiating element is the camera, and they'll often center their choice around it.
    - The average user doesn't even know what RAM is, and never EVER closes apps, and has about 60 tabs in his phone's browser. All the average user knows it's that his phone feels slow, so he doesn't like it, so he'll switch brand next time. 6GB is justified.

    I don't see how having high specs is a scam, there's no ambiguity or deception, it's just the manufacturers adapting to the most exigent customers
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    @CptFox I mostly agree with you. But one thing, closing apps does not give you more ram to access. The apps are closed automatically when the ram they use is needed. It is even recommended by Google to keep them open, because it saves battery when the app doesn't need to cold start, because it is open in the background.
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    If you are using Windows yes. Our Linux VPS is minimum 50GB and the OS takes 500MB max
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    @CptFox Actually, I see a lot of people closing background apps on Android and iOS (even though they don't have to).
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    Or 8 cores. What the heck does anyone need more than 2 cores on a mobile phone for?
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    @Monus what would it help if they used something else? It would be made in the same factories anyway.

    @Npstr I believe it has more to do with power efficiency.
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    I figure that i didnt put forward my question properly.. By scamming i mean forcing people to buy things that they wont need.. I seriously fail to understand why a phone would need more than 2 GB of RAM .. Even a PC with 4GB of RAM can run Android Studio and Chrome at the same time.. In a Phone , we arent gonna run such processes anyway.. My question was Are these companies just showing off irrelevant numbers and hiding the ones they should be showing ?

    I understand Android is a lot bloated than Ordinary Linux. Why arent companies working on improving Software ? So if tech improves .. instead of reducing costs ..they are maintaining the costs to improve hardware..? is this the right trend ?

    And regarding Camera... Why would a selfie camera need 16MP ? I mean i can understand if back cameras are 16 to 20MP because photography is nowadays done through this nowadays..But why front ? Are they trying to fool the people who know less by attractive numbers which arent relevant ?
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    You'll be glad your phone has 6gigs of memory once it starts holding the daily interactive advertisements in memory that you have to watch before and every five minutes during phone calls, each time you want to text, and any other place they can slot them in.

    I'd add /s, but it's just a matter of time.
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    I mean, when I'm watching a 2700p video on my gear VR I appreciate the RAM,

    Or when I'm downloading stuff at 60mbps in the background while I play games, or run vainglory 5v5 at max resolution and still get good.ping times, I'm glad.
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    @aEEEdev Again, to the average user, the selfie has become one of the main means of expressing oneself. A lot of users care more for the front than the back camera. And sure, resolution doesn't exactly mean higher quality, but it usually does correlate a lot, and is by far the most readable spec regarding digital photography that can easily be correlated to picture quality.

    How reliable is the correlation ? Remember the HTC M8 with its 'we have less pixels, but they're bigger and better' ? I had one, and its pictures were shit. On the other hand, I've always noticed picture quality improvements when switching for phones with higher pixel counts. Sure, pixel count isn't the only factor, but it correlates well, so why not use that ?

    Finally, no one forces anyone. If you don't need that much, just buy a cheaper phone, flagships aren't the only phone on the market, and the 200$ smartphone market is filled with plenty of very good, close to the specs you seem to like, models
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    @CptFox Why i am frustated is ..when i start looking for phones they are bloated with too much features which i am never gonna use /need with elevated prices citing those reasons or they are from an unreliable manufacturer.. Since customers form the market , if people fail to see the metric which matters , i will end up getting a phone at a higher price with features that i am never gonna use..

    People just made buying phones really hard nowadays.. I had to search for 2 months to find a phone with decent specs without fingerprint sensor and a bloated camera..
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    @aEEEdev you need to learn how to search then don't you...

    Google "mid range cell phone -fingerprint"

    Top shopping results (for me I assume you will get different)

    Samsung a5 £329 or Huawei p8 lite £129
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    @seraphimsystems I had tighter budget. My entire point was .. if smartphones were not camera centric and RAM centric , i could have got a better phone with my budget which was around 10K INR ( Roughly 120£ ). Finally i settled Asus Zenfone Max , after a lot of searching .. Which costed exactly 10K .

    Sad thing about this is ... i dont even need a 13MP camera..yet i am forced to buy that .. I understand it is not possible to cater for all my needs but still , maybe if there was lesser hype surrounding camera pixel resolution , i could have gotten a better mobile cheaper than this..
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    @aEEEdev I mean it seems like you're a pretty unique use case,
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    @seraphimsystems How rare is a guy who doesnt want a overbloated camera , but a smooth performance at a reasonably low price..? ..and concerned about finger print theft..😋
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    @aEEEdev fingerprint theft? Ok Jason Bourne I'm out.
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    @seraphimsystems With all the concern surrounding privacy .. i have turned paranoid about these..
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