Just found out that E-readers are tablets too)

  • 6
    wikipedia defines tablet (PC) as a mobile device with an OS, a touchscreen (at least 6") and connectivity capabilities.

    so yes e-readers are tablets.
    (even if some e-readers doesn't have a touchscreen)
  • 2
  • 0
    believe it or not, they even call this a tablet!
  • 0
    oh wait, maybe they dont... mainly its called a tray...

    you get the point tho
  • 0
    This is an example of things being oversimplified for the average user. The average grandma isn't going to search for "the best e-reader for reading" because they just know of those fancy 7"+ screens as tablets. However the answer to your question is probably anything with an Oled screen so you can use a theme that is white text on a black background to save battery life and your eyes lol
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