We have been given two Spanish exchange students for 10 weeks. We are a UK based creative agency, the minor issue being they don't speak a word of English, so there is a significant language barrier.

What would people recommend for a way to help them learn some basic languages e.g HTML, CSS etc.. with such a significant language barrier.

(Already tried Google translating everything)
With my strong Yorkshire accent, my Spanish doesn't come out too great 👌

  • 3
    my question is: how do you go as an exchange student without knowing english or the language of the country you are going to? Weird.

    For helping them learn: try finding a spanish web development tutorial with good reviews? Have no idea how you would help them if they get stuck and can't explain they'r problem though. Best of luck.
  • 3
    That is flipping annoying man. Wonder what they are doing there if they don't speak the language.

    Guess I should try that Seoul S.K job I want even though my understanding of the language is null because fuck it.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 this is what stood out to me the most! As surely somewhere along the way there must of been screening process etc where someone picked up on them not knowing English.

    Thanks for the advice, will see what I can find and hope they done get too stuck 👊👌
  • 1
    What !?? May I repeat, why are they even there ? Though, Google: tutorial de HTML [en español](or use Google in Spanish). HTML is in English, css is in English, w3 school is in English. So they better start learning English. So you go to another country to learn HTML using YouTube in your native language?. That's not your fault...
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