My work is deeply unsatisfying. I feel like i haven't been learning anything new since a long time.
Is this normal? What should i do?
Please help, its killing me.

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    your answering you question yourself. Update your CV and start sending it out to companies.
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    The word you’re looking for is job satisfaction , if that’s not there , move on.
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    @pionell too soon bro. Give the employer a chance to help. Talk to the supervisor about the work and the feel of being demotivated. Having the boss informed that their staff is being unchallenged gives them an opportunity to see if the staff can grow further by testing limits and boundaries. This can often lead to pay increase and re-assignment or even a promotion.

    Don't just quit. Unless the boss is evil, then start looking for new work.
  • 0
    I feel your pain.
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