
I keep a little box with decks of cards in it on my desk. Shuffling is a good way to keep my hands busy while thinking and solitaire with actual cards is a great way to unpick the knots in my head.

  • 1
    Very nice box. Is it old? Nice wood.
  • 1
    @Jumpshot44 it's quite old, was from my great aunt.
  • 1
    That's a great idea. I might borrow it since I always think clearer when I give my hands something to do.

    It could be a good way to keep my focus on the task since I tend to start browsing mindlessly when I get stuck.

    Thanks for sharing and a really nice box you got there
  • 1
    @Jabalaja if you do, I recommend practicing "The Hindu Shuffle" and Riffle shuffling with a bridge finish. The second can be a little noisy. Also, pick up narrow, bridge style cards with a silk finish, as I've always found them easier to shuffle.
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