Fuck python
I have no experience in python and barely any in anything else and I want more than anything to learn this fucking language, but I cant launch the simplest fucking script in the world ("hello world.py") without getting a syntax error, not with my code, but with the fucking path which I checked and rechecked a million fucking times. I remember coding in shitty-ass Java using jGrasp for a year in college, and it was fantastic, but sitting here trying to sort out a fucking script in the IDLE shell is making me want to jump off the 10th fucking story. Kill me, please. I tried running in Atom text editor using the "Script" package, but that would have been too fucking convenient. I just keep getting errors and a fucking hourglass next to the name of my code at the bottom of the window, fuck me

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    I can help. Are you on Windows or Linux?

    Make sure to set your path variable right. Add your Python folder to your sys path.

    Open up the terminal/cmd and type 'python yourscript.py' in the right path where your script is located or give tbe full path of the script.

    Know that spaces in script names can give you struggles sometimes.

    You also said you were using the IDLE?

    Just type print("Hello World") and it will output

    Make sure you're using Python 3

    In Python 2 it is print "Hello World" I believe.

    If all of this doesn't work. PyCharm Community Edition is 100% free and will detect Python automatically and probably make your life a lot easier
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    @8BitOverdose I'm not the one with the issue but I want to commend good advice/help! Thanks dude!
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    @8BitOverdose I actually came here looking almost entirely to vent, and I haven't tried this stuff yet, but you are awesome for helping out like that. Thank you so much, man.
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    If you're on Windows and have a username or directory that has a space in it, that can throw paths off sometimes.

    Otherwise, try running python from where you installed it, you don't need IDLE, just navigate to the directory with Explorer/terminal, open a terminal there if you haven't, and run "python" (with .exe for Windows), it should launch the interactive shell.

    And PyCharm is fantastic, thoroughly recommend.

    Btw, welcome to devRant!
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