
I shouldn't have drank that energy drink. I'm soooooooooooooooo

  • 1
    Try coffee instead!
  • 2
    Green / Black tea ftw!

    Used to have a lot energy drinks but my body doesn't really like them anymore...
  • 1
    get on my fuckin level bitch i drank 3 redbulls 2 days ago all in 3 sips wassup then i went to jog and before going home i went back to get some more, 2 more

    then i came home and took coffes wassup i take at least 3 coffess per day i aint tryna die but this my only way to stay alive n keep focus

    also i once took 6-7 redbulls at once and my heart was pounding with the speed of an airplane idk why tf i didnt die back then
  • 3
    @SukMikeHok you should probably get that checked...
  • 1
    Not sure why people get so fucked from merely caffeine 🤔 try 7 of those big cans in a day I'd say 😎
    (7 cans can be lethal though)
  • 1
    @Condor so glad to know you have much love for this cursee :skull: :skull: :skull:
  • 4
    @SukMikeHok now I can understand why your comments are the way they are
  • 1
    @cursee of course I do 😘
  • 0
    No you're not. Unless you're 12, a single energy drink isn't going to do much. That said, I get heart palpitations and feel faint after drinking energy drinks.
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