
Hi android devs!
How can I record a double[] or byte[] into a pcm in order to convert it to a wav file?
My life depends on this one 😬

  • 2
    You just spit out a WAV file header and then the data: http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/...

    C header definition: https://gist.github.com/Jon-Schneid...
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop how can i apply since it is a c++ lib?
  • 1
    @R1100 You'd build up that structure in memory and then write it to disk via file I/O. Here a C function for writing the header of a 16 bit mono WAV, that's how I did it 20 years ago (error handling omitted):

    (The crazy shifting stuff is to make sure it works regardless of endianess.)
  • 1

    void write_wave_header(FILE *wav_file, long wav_cnt, unsigned long s_freq)


    unsigned long totalsize,bytespersec;


    totalsize = 2 * wav_cnt + 36;

    fputc((totalsize & 0x000000ff),wav_file); /* File size */

    fputc((totalsize & 0x0000ff00) >> 8,wav_file);

    fputc((totalsize & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,wav_file);

    fputc((totalsize & 0xff000000) >> 24,wav_file);


    fprintf(wav_file,"fmt "); /* fmt_ chunk */

    fputc(16,wav_file); /* Chunk size */




    fputc(1,wav_file); /* Format tag - uncompressed */


    fputc(1,wav_file); /* Channels */

  • 1

    fputc((s_freq & 0x000000ff),wav_file); /* Sample frequency (Hz) */

    fputc((s_freq & 0x0000ff00) >> 8,wav_file);

    fputc((s_freq & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,wav_file);

    fputc((s_freq & 0xff000000) >> 24,wav_file);

    bytespersec = 2 * s_freq;

    fputc((bytespersec & 0x000000ff),wav_file); /* Average bytes per second */

    fputc((bytespersec & 0x0000ff00) >> 8,wav_file);

    fputc((bytespersec & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,wav_file);

    fputc((bytespersec & 0xff000000) >> 24,wav_file);

    fputc(2,wav_file); /* Block alignment */


    fputc(16,wav_file); /* Bits per sample */



    totalsize = 2 * wav_cnt;

    fputc((totalsize & 0x000000ff),wav_file); /* Data size */

    fputc((totalsize & 0x0000ff00) >> 8,wav_file);

    fputc((totalsize & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,wav_file);

    fputc((totalsize & 0xff000000) >> 24,wav_file);

  • 1
    @Fast-Nop thanks bro !
    U saved me 😀
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop can i convert it to java to be able to use it as a class?
  • 1
    @R1100 Java should already have that since Java has classes for everything. Is that one here available?


  • 1
    @Fast-Nop yesss!
    There is a lib named wavfiles
    Hope it works
  • 1
    Do my homework 😭
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Shouldn’t that gist contain an aligned attribute or maybe switch to uint32 instead of char[4] to ensure the correct alignment is used? That first char array might not be guaranteed to be placed on a 32-bit aligned address and if not might result in extra pad bytes to be inserted which would likely result in a malformed header.
  • 2
    @aether the overall alignment of a struct is always the alignment of the biggest elementary data type that it contains. If a struct contains a 4 byte integer, the struct will always start at an address that is divisible by 4 even if that integer is not the first element.

    The issue why the Github gist is a little sloppy is that it assumes int to be 4 bytes, but the C standard guarantees only 2 bytes. That should have been done with the C99 data types. However, on PCs and Android, int is 4 bytes so that it will work.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop ah right you are. I mixed up the rule in my head.
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