Let me get this straight. I don't have a paid Apple Developer account so I can't report iOS 10 bugs?

Anybody want to report a bug for me that double clicking the home button no longer launches Apple Pay from the lock screen?

  • 8
    Isn't that ridiculous. You can't report a bug unless you pay them?
  • 4
    @Jumpshot44 It would make a sense if you would _get_ a dev account for at least trial without paying, but still it's highly stupid if this is how reporting bugs for Apple works.
  • 3
    have u tried turning it off and on again?
  • 1
    @rookiemaverick ha ha! Actually I haven't even done that yet. Shame on me.
  • 1

    What iOS Version/build are you on? I'm able to launch ApplePay from the lock screen with no problem.

    Also, if you're on any beta, you can use the Feedback Application that's found on the home screen. If you're on the public version of iOS, what is the URL of the portal you're trying to use to submit reports from?
  • 0
    Works for me
  • 1
    @NateTDenlinger iOS 10.0.1 on iPhone SE. I'm glad it works for you, that gives me hope. Not a fan of the new "home to unlock" but it's not the end of the world.
  • 0
    @juneeighteen lol "some" hope. I myself wasn't really a fan of the home for unlock. But there is a little hidden feature you might like. If you go to Settings/general/accessibility/homebutton/ you'll see a "Rest finger to open" switch. What this does is when you raise your iOS device you can rest your finger on the TouchID sensor and that'll authenticate you without having to press the home button.

    Also, for ApplePay to be accessible on the lock screen you have to have it enabled within ApplePay settings. To do this go to Settings/Wallet & ApplePay and toggle the Double-Click home button switch to on so you can access ApplePay from the lock screen. If it still doesn't work, try the simple power cycle (restart). If it still doesn't work after, I'll be happy to submit a bug report for you.
  • 2
    @aokayla @rookiemaverick I tried turning it off and back on again. The settings are still turned on from before the upgrade to no avail! I guess it's back to unlocking the phone twice for apple pay for me. #FeatureNotBug
  • 1
    @Letmecode would you rather have an iPhone or have your phone explode and burn you?
  • 1
    I would rather have a OnePlus
  • 0
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