
Found a stray semicolon in my coffee, did anyone loose one???

  • 8
    It is mine. Thanks, but i already replaced it with a new one. Searched it yesterday for 15 minutes til i noticed, that reading visual studios error message could help me out.. :D
  • 1
    Thats so 2016 tattoo
  • 2
    @borderless Uhm... I think it is mine... Maybe we could share it..? Either we cut it in half or you have it one week and then we switch..
  • 2
    You get it on weekends and on wednesday evening because you know.. Thats my pub day.. The boys would rant if i stop coming.. Christmas is mine, birthday yours...
  • 2
    And stop imagine cutting our semicolon half :O
  • 2
    @borderless That should work. I simply do the Python stuff during the week and have fun with it on the weekend
  • 1
    Do we need a lawyer or may i trust you?
  • 1
    @borderless I will set up the contract, I want only the best for our little semicolon
  • 1
    Remove it, compile it and see? If it errors out, it is yours

    Of course, use a compiler which enforces semicolons
  • 0
    @borderless @wholl0p I desperatly need one right now, if you want it you're gonna have to fite me!
  • 1
    Ur boss left it there for u check ur code
  • 3
    But what if the code actually left it there for me to check my boss
  • 1
    That picture is @CoffeeNcode
  • 1
    That is why coffee is a drink of coders.
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