πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this made me laugh for like 2 whole minutes!

  • 29
    It's fun until you realise that they display your face, name, and information on big screens throughout the city and that there are repercussions on offenses like that (can go up to no fly permission).
  • 24
    @Jilano Sucks if you're a normal citizen and not some famous person and nobody gives a shit if your fine is justified or not.

    The government will probably do everything to cover up future incidents like this one. And there will be future incidents, this AI crap isn't nearly reliable enough on such a scale.
  • 18
    @deadlyRants Definitely. I think their system has something like 94% success rates but don't quote me on that.

    It's creepy on so many level, "dystopian" is barely enough to describe the situation.
  • 2
    It seems to be some kind of news-story. Link?
  • 4
    @deadlyRants Famous people don't really avoid the law in China at all. See the recent cases with the arrests for tax fraud. A famous actress and even the leader of Interpol were arrested and suddenly disappeared from the public scene.
  • 0
    This happens in western world too. It's called "not paying enough bribes".
  • 1
    @MrJimmy passing the street on the the red light.
  • 0
    I don't know how it works elsewhere, but in Poland jaywalking, like speeding, is "wykroczenie" (offense), while murder is a crime (przestΔ™pstwo). For "wykroczenie" policeman can give you a fine to pay, while for "przestΔ™pstwo" you can be sentenced by the court and go to jail.
  • 2
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