
One thing I don't understand, when I want to sign into iTunes Connect website, I have auto fill filling credentials, Apple first shows only email field, click next, then it shows password field, click next then you are logged in.

Why is it like this? Username and password are both filled, but yet need to click login twice to access my account -_-

  • 2
    @irene to think of it yes they do, but why? To prevent brute force or something? Shouldn't their servers be blocking IPs with too much requests?
  • 2
    @irene 🤔🤔
  • 1
    @M1sf3t Damn there are even worse cases than what I've seen so far :S
  • 0
    It requires that the email address you enter is valid and currently exists within their database. No point in showing you the password field if the email address doesn't have an associated account.
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