
Old client texted me yesterday: the website and pos system you made does not work anymore... Why ?

I saw that their domain was moved to another host and texted back: "some has moved the domain so that's why."

Client: "how can this be fixed"
Me: "move the domain back"
Client: "but then the new system I bought cannot function".
Me: oh well, then you are in trouble, if the new company you hired to make you a new system and website had been using just a little brain power, this would not happen. Now you have to bring your new system up and working before you open your store...

I could have helped them by pointing a sub domain to the server, but he never ever treated me with respect, and never payed in time, and he did not tell me about this move before he initiated it.

Me: shuts down server and thingking: good luck working with those new "professionals"

  • 1
    I wonder, why? Did you set some config exactly to that one domain or what is the problem? Database you can move, server you can move/reinstall too.
  • 7
    No big problem, they can just move the dns back to my server and his website and pos will be online.

    His new web-company moved his main domain to point at the new dev server where they are setting up his new website. without thinking that it would take down his current website and pos.

    or... he could have contacted me and asked if i could assist him in moving to another host and system. If he had done so i could have told them not to move the main domain untill the new system is up and running and ready for action. Or i could have given them databases etc so they could moved the stuff themselves.
  • 3
    One of my clients hired a company to develop a website, I wasn't told anything about this until AFTER they changed the domain nameservers to their server and broke all of our systems, specifically email, with a login my "supervisor" shared...
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