
Hi guys !

I start "studies" to become Web Developer and after 1 month and a half of studies, my teacher asks us to create our first project in groups of 3 or 4. Do you have any ideas of what kind of project we could build? I was thinking of an e-commerce site with our knowledge (HTML5, CS3, a bit of JavaScript, SQL, a little PHP ($ _SESSION, $ _POST and $ _GET) and CRUD).

Is it a good idea?

  • 2
    Thats a really fucking boring project. When i had the same class we made a webapp that generated league of legends counterpicks.
  • 2
    Do something less basic.

    I don't have any ideas off the top of my head, but that's extremely basic.
  • 1
    How long have you got to do it? There's a world of difference here between a project that's meant to take you a couple of weeks, and one that's going to take all year.
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    @AlmondSauce Just 4 days.
  • 1
    @Wesley then go with as simple as possible.
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    @norman70688 Nope, we have to build a website with the knowledge we have right now (PHP with SESSION and POST, JS, CSS ans SQL).
  • 2
    Yeah, dont do e-commerce in 4 days. A messageboard (reddit) would be a good alternative, you might even make it anonymous so you dont have to make user functionality.
  • 0
    how the heck would you go with the payment-stuff anyway? random users with random amounts of some imaginary currency ? space-dollars - trump-dollars of billions and billions .. ;)

    the focus of e-commerce would be on security - do that later, I suggest.
  • 0
    @Kruzifix Thanks for your comment. I understand and I think it would be a good idea to not make a e-commerce website. Maybe later.
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