A bit of an anecdote here:
The project I am working on at my internship has to function perfectly in IE11.
There are users using it on fucking IE6, but no one paid extra for IE6 support.
Meanwhile, Microsoft themselves doesn't support IE11 anymore.

  • 1
    @rutee07 Seems like it. At least I don't have to test it on IE6.
  • 0
    IE11 is still supported, but Microsoft discourages its use and will not develop it any further.
  • 1
    Why is that so? A customer of us does so, too.

    What profit do companies have by using IE?
  • 3
    @nitwhiz most of the time its
    1 internal systems using IE specific code, these are getting fewer and fewer.
    2 old habits or lack of knowledge makes them afraid to allow change
    3 existing setup with policies that would require extensive reconfiguration that they are afraid will cause problems.

    And for older IE combine that with a scary lack of respect for security holes in obsolete browsers.
  • 4
    i'm waiting for something like

    "this must support IE4 and Netacape Navigator or you're fired!"
    >using HTML5, CSS, WebKit, JS, and all sorts of other good shit

    to pop up in my feed, honestly. Employers are fucking stupid...
  • 1
    @sbiewald Nope. Microsoft's own sites are breaking with IE11. They have stopped giving a fuck.
  • 1
    @Parzi Nah, not employers. Users of the web application(s).
  • 2
    Didn't Microsoft say IE isn't a browser anymore?
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