Someone created a category on Trello named Backlog

Can someone explain me what backlog is and what types of cards am i supposed to create in Backlog category

  • 6
    Backlog: the stuff that needs to be done, but you currently aren't working on.

    Oh hi mike 👋

  • 0
    @C0D4 so what is the difference between having a backlog and todo category on Trello cause the guy in this tutorial created those two
  • 6
    @SukMikeHok they are typically the same, unless he's following something like

    - Backlog
    List of tasks or features that are wanted

    - todo / prioritised
    Tasks ready to be worked on

    - in progress
    Well the stuff your currently working on

    - testing
    You gave it to someone to test and create bug/defect tickets to start back at the top of this process

    - ready for release
    Send this task to production

    The board and column names can change place to place and even team to team, but generally speaking it's usually similar to the above - five or take a few steps.
  • 1
    Probably he is using it like that
    Backlog: things that we need to do in future sprints
    Todo: things that we have complete in current sprint.

    So when you complete a task, you take another task from todo, not from backlog. Because todo tasks are planned to complete but backlog tasks aren't.
  • 0

    in one company i worked at, we had "todo" as the current sprint tasks, and if we didn't manage to do some task from current sprint in it, but there wasn't enough time for it to be moved to the next sprint, it went to "backlog".

    meaning our backlog was a black hole of features that "should have been implemented already, but we don't have enough time to work on them anymore, so let's hope some other sprint in the future will have some space (lol, you wish), to drag something from backlog into it"
  • 3
    The backlog is "ungroomed," meaning that nothing in it has been assigned any kind of priority, has been estimated, or has been assigned to someone. In agile, grooming is a, "ceremony" that takes place prior to a sprint, to process backlog entries.
  • 0
    For me, "backlog" is tasks that have been thought of but not necessarily verified as the final task. It should then be selected for development and shown in a separate column ie "to do" if it's in the current sprint but not currently being worked on or in an additional column for important tasks that should be taken into future sprints.

    In a longwinded way, im agreeing with @bahua
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