Pssst, don't tell anyone, but I fucked up the system big time

  • 6
    Yesterday I've fucked up everything as well. Turns out that having the parent process initialize a child process that kills the parent and starts another child is a bit more complicated than I thought. Hot reloading, more like hot "quick reboot the machine".
  • 3
    @RantSomeWhere Broke the most central view of our application 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 6
    In a sort of related incident, in 1988 I was a major bong smoker when I worked Eddie Bauer catalogue customer service. One night I was fried off my tits and a customer wanted to order a gift and have it sent to an address different than their home. I somehow didn't press enter or something for the gift to ship to the recipient's address, and instead it was now going directly to the caller's home. I got really paranoid and did nothing. I mean, I froze. Never heard about it, though.
    HOWEVER, I was entering catalogue addresses in 1987 and the South African Embassy in Washington, DC requested a catalogue. Under the name in the second field I keyed in.. and I fucking kid you not... STOP APARTHEID. They literally tore the place inside out upside down looking for the associate who entered that. I knew nothing of it at the time. A friend who worked in another dept. told me about it later.
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded so do your coworker know that you fuck the system?
  • 1
    @hcfebrian Oh, everyone knows. Everyone knows...
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