
Am I the only one who freaks out when I see a dev dressed in a suit!!

  • 4
    i see them a lot, especially when recruiting juniors.. but yeh, guy cam in to work for 4 weeks straith in suite .. gave up, came in ripped jeans and t-shirt in week 5
  • 11
    I do. I sometimes don't even wear pants.
  • 3
    i love to dress up once in a while, not because i think a dev has to look like this or because i'm a walking meme factory with adhd and an urge to draw attention, but because i just like to feel classy and somewhat professional from time to time...

    ...or maybe i just try to overcompensate my inability to $computertem so i have to keep everybody busy staring at me while i pretend to do $magic
  • 1
    Wearing a shirt and tie from time to time let's me wear my new tie and socks from Sprezza Box. Sometimes I even wear pants.
  • 1
    Never seen one :-D and most probably would freak out
  • 3
    I'm forced to daily, freaking dress code apply to all employees Even us locked in the back room that no Customer will ever see.
  • 0
    I always wear buttoned shirts and sometimes a suit or blazer.. just personal preference :-) not trying to act like something, I just like the feeling.. I'm not much of a t-shirt guy.
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    @Raich That is why i'd never wear a suit or a tie to an interview, Its an easy way to let bad employers filter themselves out early in the process.
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    Several years ago my first professional position as "Junior Programmer" was at a bank in the bond trading department. All the devs were required to wear suits daily to blend in with the rest of the culture. After six months I got my first job as a non-junior dev and was able to hang up my suit jacket and tie.

    Aside from that wearing a tie every other blue moon doesn't bother me a bit.
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    Dress code at work requires me to wear a shirt and decent looking jeans (aka, not shredded etc). I deal with clients at times tho so fair enuff. Suit is where I draw the line tho, fuck that.
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    Baskets, jean, t-shirt and leather jacket.
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    T-shirt or button down short sleeve, shorts, and flip-flops, until it cools down, then flannel shirt, jeans, and chukkas or hikers.
  • 1
    All people are allowed to dress the way they want to. Period
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